Sunday, June 26, 2016

I don't want to associate with Vegans

This is controversial, but I'm going to talk about it. 

Why are most of the vegans on the internet so fucking vile? In the past week I have unwittingly, bumped into the most heinous of vegans whose hatred of humans with a difference of opinion has blinded them to even having the slightest bit of rational thought. Drones is what they seem  like, going along with whatever vegan leader that the rest are supporting, without even listening to what these  "leaders" are saying.  Going along with whatever rude tactic they have allowed themselves to be brainwashed into using in order to get people to get others to gravitate toward veganism. But where is the logic in not giving a fuck about humans, but really caring about animals? And if you are using the " I'm doing it to save the planet" Then what about the people on the planet? In what Universe  does it actually work to bully, badger, degrade, and hurt, to get someone to see that your way of living is the correct way? I would be scared shitless if I came across these angry Vegans, and if I weren't already Vegan, I wouldn't care to know what the lifestyle promotes, because the people that represent that lifestyle, were horrid.

Here is one example of many, 

I posted: "Right On. Your logic is spot on" underneath a YouTube video " Why Onision is not Vegan" Because his reasons are valid, and rational, and there is always room to become vegan at some point. Not everyone wants to, or can give up something that they are use to, or possibly addicted to, even with the extremely valid bonuses of veganism.

Then, I get a response from a dude named "Rad" ( I left all of his typos)

Who wrote: No it's not, if you think it is you are just as retarded as him;

Dairying; involves raping and killing cows as well as separating them from their mothers.
Eggs; 99% of chickens in the world are kept in battery cages for their whole life and can't even move their wings. This is a case of two morons wanting to appear morally superior without actually making any effort to do so.

I responded with: 
Seriously. Like Dude, I can think whatever I want, He can think whatever he wants, I think he makes a good case for someone who isn't vegan. Perhaps maybe they might transition better. Lame attitudes are a turn off,to the movement, and If I weren't a vegan and read your comment I would think. Maybe, Vegans are unnecessarily harsh, and cruel. By the way, I'm a vegan of six years. You don't even know me and you call me a moron. Your an awesome person aren't you.

He then said: 
 "I can think whatever I want", oh so is me criticising your stupid comment hindering that? I don't think so. Crazy as it is, I don't control your thoughts. So jump off the defence. No one is trying to mind control you.

"Perhaps maybe they might transition", of course there is nothing wrong with wanting to slowly transition, as long as you have the motivation actually go through with a transition and not stay complacent eating dairy and eggs.

"Maybe, Vegans are unnecessarily harsh, and cruel. "
Besides the fact that I don't claim to be the face of veganism or represent vegans as a whole, me calling you a "moron" is nothing in the face of what animals are subjected to on farms. Needlessly cruel is consuming dairy and eggs. If someone is not going to go vegan because I offend them they do not care enough to ever go vegan, so moot point.Also, well done on your veganism. But it's not going to make me think that this video is any less retarded than it is :)

I responded:
 Ok. I hope your happy, because I'm still happy. You just keep being who you are ok. Awesome.

He wrote: 
Thanks for telling me that your happy, I was worried that you weren't <3

I responded: Ok. Awesome person.The name Rad suits you

Then he wrote: Lol, you're so mad. You're like 50, get off the internet if you're so utterly fucking hypersensitive.

I Responded with: 
Ok, Thank you Rad..;).you are the coolest. The internet is only made for people like you. I get it. Awesome.

Who carries around statics about the cruelty of chickens? He is so cut throat when he doesn't know that I'm Vegan, he calls me retarded, a moron, and he says I have a morally superior attitude. Then after I respond to him about his lack of knowledge about me, and how he called me retarded for agreeing with someone whose views are different, he then says I'm on the defense for being offended, and it's OK to do that because " the animals" have endured suffering.

He felt the need to be morally superior, like a lot of vegans do. They think they are better than someone who eating meat? Dude, there are  a lot of amazing people in the world who eat meat, and just because they do, I wouldn't shun them or make them feel a horrible person.That is not what the vegan lifestyle represents for me. I think that half of the vegan movement is filled with a lot of people who just want to separate themselves from others, so they can have an excuse to bully or look down at, or just be angry at " People" in general. So I will continue to practice Veganism, and I will continue do my part in the world to help make it a better place, but I will never associate myself with the group of " Angry Extremist Vegans"that I encountered over the past week. 

 There should be a new term in place for people who actually practice veganism, but they refuse to call themselves Vegans for the stigma that surrounds Vegans. You know that
 " Crazy" that stigma. I should call it "Closet Vegan"

So fuck these angry close-minded vegans. Fuck their logic ,their body shaming, ideology, and tactics. Fuck their attitudes, and their lack of concern for the value of human well being. Fuck their elitist attitudes. Fuck their need to be morally superior. Fuck them.

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