Sunday, June 5, 2016

Somewhere In Between

I will be the first to admit that this isn't what I thought 37 would look like. In my 20's I thought that I would be married, and perhaps have at least one child. I would have some sort of lucritive career doing something awesome( In my 20's I didn't know what that was but, it would be awesome). Maybe I would even look as though age had grazed me, and I would be wistful about how I used to look. However, I would be so utterly happy with my family, and the state of my life that I wouldn't care that much.

This is not the case.

I'm not married, I still have no idea what that awesome career is, but on the bright side, I don't look like age has grazed me. I actually like the way that I look now more so than in my 20's. I did manage to make an effort to do that. No meat, No dairy, lots of water, No alcohol, No late Nights, No social life(sometimes that equals less stress) hot yoga, lots of walking, a bit of running, fruit smoothies, lots of greens, all of that energy that would be put into raising a family, and busting my buns working for someone else I put into myself. That is something I think I can be proud of. I suppose I have no other
choice but to be proud of that, or I would be sad.

I do feel like I'm in limbo. Like, what are you supposed to wear when you are almost 40? I still want my wear my combat boots, I still like grungy sundresses, I still like crop tops, tube tops, and bandeau tops. Social structures would have you think that by a certain time in your life it literally supposed to be and look like (XYZ) and that when your not like (XYZ) then something is awry. To be honest I felt like this, and sometimes I still do feel like this. But why waste my time here on planet earth worrying about society? I have to live, and wear my crop tops.

I have said my peice special ladies, Are you " In Limbo" Like the radiohead song?

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